Old Blogs

Here are some Classic Messages

Summer is winding down and for the first time I can remember, I find myself longing for the routine of Back to School.  We have had a summer that has been unimaginably busy, almost.  

I feel compelled to deliver meaningful content to our newsletter subscribers on a regular basis. I know that you get enough emails, so we make a point to not send the same message over and over. But sometimes, everybody goes through a writer's block.

With that in mind,  I am reaching out to our members for help and I am taking some time to re-think my practice and share those thoughts with you.   

In the meantime, I want to share some of our classic messages that are always available on the website.

  • Everybody wants to be Rocky - This message was our second most popular ever. I now play Rocky music in my office. LeadershipOD.com/blog/461

  • Close Your Eyes. Then Open Them - This New Year’s Eve message really should be read every year. LeadershipOD .com/blog/445

  • Do You Want a Raise? - We adjust salary's every summer in our practice and here's how we do it. LeadershipOD.com/blog/360

  • Showrooming - This topic is finding its way into circulation again. Read this "classic" message from Leadership OD. LeadershipOD.com/blog/285

  • My Hair! - It is a sad fact that this message from 2 years ago remains the most popular blog entry. LeadershipOD.com/blog/218

  • Are you buried? - This message came two years ago to the day and I feel exactly the same way today. Is this a coincidence or do I need to change my summer routine? LeadershipOD.com/blog/198

  • Thinking like a CEO - This valuable lesson came to me too late and I have been trying to spread the word for a long time. LeadershipOD.com/blog/52

  • Motivating Your Team - Every office I have been in has helped me realize the importance and the challenge of this daunting task. If there is anywhere that we all need help, this is it. Yes? LeadershipOD.com/blog/59

Mike Rothschild
p.s. If you are interested in contributing some messages to this newsletter or participating in an online discussion, let me know......please.